Saturday, April 23, 2011

1 is the Loneliest Number....

While I would never call myself a loner, I am the kind of gal who's ok doing it alone. I moved 600 miles away to college, to a town where I didn't know anyone, where I had in fact only visited once before, and did pretty well with it. I actually enjoy sitting by myself in coffee shops or diners, reading a book, having a cup of tea, blah blah. I prefer most shopping and errand running to be solo events. I'm not a person who NEEDS other people.

I thought.

As it is turning out, having the pox is making me acutely aware of how alone I am. And before you get all worried - no, this isn't going to be some chick-lit-wah-wah-woe-is-me-I-don't-have-any-mans. Because it's not really about having or finding that person. I'm ok with where I am, and for the most part, who I have, in my life. 

But I'm missing human interaction. My grand total of face-time with other humans yesterday was the 30 seconds at the door with the Chinese delivery guy, and a brief convo from 20 feet away with a good friend who dropped off some calamine lotion. And yet, I realize it's not really sensible for others to be around (see guilt, feelings of). I would feel horrible if I gave this to anyone, so the logical part of my brain realizes that it's for the best that I'm not around anyone until I'm cleared by my doctor.

And then, there's the non-logical part of my brain. The emotional part. The part that just wants someone to sit on the couch with me and watch bad daytime tv (because - NONE of it is any good), or make me some soup, or help put calamine lotion on my back. I've been looking at clips on youtube and no one has the pox by themselves (at least not on tv). What I would kill to be suffering through this with Uncle Jesse and Uncle Joey. 

Or, in a much sexier version, to have Dr. McSteamy curl up in bed with me. Or more practically, I'd love a pair of gauze paws!

In terms of my mental sanity right now, I'd say I'm much closer to Callie from Grey's Anatomy, than any of the Tanner clan.

Disclaimer: There is also some hilarious clips of Phoebe from Friends with the pox. But they all include Charlie Sheen. And I refuse. I. Refuse.

I pride myself on being fairly independent, but there are some things a girl, or guy, on her/his own can't do - zip up dresses with the zipper all the way in the back without looking like a fool, lift very heavy furniture, and put calamine lotion on the pox in the exact center of her back. 


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