Monday, April 25, 2011

Latest Pox Stage: Anger

Today, I am angry. Yup, who knew anger was a stage of pox recovery?

I am feeling roughly 90% better (scientifically proven by lack of fever, and return of sass). Then I'll look in the mirror and notice a new or steal healing pox (pock?) on my back or something. Angerrrrr.

I really want to be back at work today. It's been 2 weeks since I've been in my home-away-from-home, my classroom, or with my students. I miss them! Spending another week away from them is seeming unbearable - especially since I've taught while feeling super sick before, and I feel fine now. I'm just not at my prettiest. And yes, I know I'm still contagious, but I am pretty pissed to be spending another day stuck inside. 

Then there's the anger of having a substitute in my classroom. The last substitute I had was not fluent in English and actually turned his back on the class to observe posters I had on the wall, according to another teacher who stopped in my room to help out. Every time I leave my class in the hands of someone else, anarchy breaks out. Pencils disappear. Materials are stolen or broken. Fights break out. I did the best I could prior to this week's absence; wrote extensive lesson plans, called a few of my students at home to give them a heads up and let them know what's expected of them, blah blah.

But still. I'm angry that someone else is doing my job for me today while I'm stuck watching Bridezilla's-Figure-Out-What-to-Wear-to-the-Royal-Wedding or whatever crap is on tv. 

xoxo in Anger,

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