Friday, April 22, 2011

Prologue to my MisAdventures

Once upon a time there was a girl. This girl got all sorts of normal childhood illnesses; ear infections, stomach flus, sniffles and sneezes. But - for whatever magical, mysterious reason, she never got the chicken pox. Since none of her sisters got chicken pox, what do you think their parents did?

Spoiler alert: It was NOT put them in contact with others with the chicken pox. Noooo, no chicken pox party for these kids.

Instead, she got the vaccine.

Except, as it turns out, there is a booster dose to the vaccine, which our protagonist happened to forget about.

Until now.

Now, that she's a month away from turning 26, and has found herself with the Chicken Pox.

And with 10 days of isolation (or so) ahead of me, I figured - why not jot down my crazed ramblings in order to perhaps entertain one or two random folks.

Pox Girl

P.S. - No hard feelings Ma and Pa on the lack of childhood exposure!

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